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Over and under vibe, flesh

Sex Toys

Over and under vibe, flesh

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doood... Where's that gonna gitcha
besides on the whorizontal?

Dont do that, earthling;
dont fall for whorizontalisms
which only influence you
to worship mortal sinners
like a lemming which falls OFF
the cliff into utter despair.

I'd looooove to meet you
in intoxicating Seventh-Heaven...
yet, you first must be prepared:
Find-out what RCIA means and join;
classes are free,
starting early September.

Aint no joke, earthling:
our indelible soul is on the line.
What's 77ish years compared to
the length N breadth of eternity?
What's the Tyranny of Progressivism
compared to the saving of our soul?

Doesnt make any difference
if you're an atheist;
doesn't make a whole-hilla-beans
wortha difference when you croak.
You'll be crying-out for JEEE-SIS!!!
...yet, if you've been a non-believer
your entire, finite existence,
Jesus maaay not hear you.
Billions of everlasting souls
are now in Hellfire without
the basic nessecities for eternity.
Are you actually willing
to take THAT risk of being condemned?

Again, Jesus laughs when you
should've learned the
meaning of wisdom N discernment,
mortal sinner - as am I.
Im sooo not better than you
...yet, I gotta lotta d'knowlijj
which'll save-your-soul, kapiche??
Sorry fo d'New Yoirk accent.
Again, find-out what RCIA means.
Make Your Choice  -SAW

PS 'Saving souls from Hell
should be your
primary occupation'

I seeeriously dont think you'd suffer
the same fate as Omar Mateeny Weeny...
yet, you'd suffer4eternity in Hell nevertheless.
1-outta-1 bites-the-dust anyway!!!!!!!

Turn-away from idolatry
(worshipping the world).
Turn-away from sin.
Turn 180°
Turn RITE.
reTurn to Jesus:
repent and be forgiven.
Focus on Jesus.
Follow us to the Great Beyond.
Follow us to Seventh-Heaven.
Follow us to Holy Mass
& say the Rosary once per day.
Do the RCIA, too.
I. Love. You.
I'll pray for you.
God bless your indelible soul.